Monday, November 19, 2018

First Class- Science Week

First Class had lots of fun this week during Science Week! They tried lots of exciting experiments!
 They made rainbows from skittles. They carried out a leak proof bag experiment! They made
lava lamps. Then they built a fizz inflator and blew up a balloon! It was great fun watching a lunch
 bag explode when they mixed warm water, vinegar and bread soda! They really enjoyed being
scientists this week!
They explored the Materials strand this week and loved it.

Senior Infants Science Week

The children from Senior Infants took part in lots of investigations during Science Week 2018. They explored which materials were attracted to magnets and which ones were repelled. They discovered that raisins "dance" when placed in 7up because of the carbon dioxide (bubbles). They also made their own lava lamps using a mixture of oil, water, food colouring and fizzy tablets. Take a look at the photographs to see some of the children in action.