Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mrs O'Dell's Class- Force

2nd Class have been exploring the Forces strand. They carried out the Activities- Paper Helicopters and Rocket Launch.

Engineering in 5th and 6th Class

Here are some of the finished and unfinished rotating ferris wheels from fifth and sixth class stem projects. Mateusz spent a lot of time on his outside of school too. Can you guess what the main materials were?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

STEM with TY students

This week as part of our project with the Hunt NS, we had science activities with the Transition Years. It was great fun and we took part in many experiments. We will update you soon with some of our written work about the project.
These are the experiments we tried
1. Putting mentos in coke
2. Liquids and change
3. Alka Seltzer in actimel- rockets
4. Elephant's toothpaste (below)
5. Mixing acids

Electricity in Mrs. Shannon's Class

We explored the Strand Unit, Electricity, in January in 4th and 5th class. The children learned about different types of circuits, conductors and insulators and even made a buzzer game for practising for the Credit Union Quiz.

STEM in 3rd Class

Some Science activities from Mr Mc Keon's class. 

Science in Miss Maguire's Room

Senior Infants have been busy learning about Antarctica. They explored the "plants and animals" strand unit within the "Living things" strand. They labelled a penguin using it's main features- beak, flippers, webbed feet, feathers. They sequenced the life cycle of a penguin. They had great fun when they investigated how penguins keep warm even when they live in the coldest place on Earth. They used butter to act as the penguins blubber. They found out that penguins need their blubber to keep warm.